Blessed. After a few hotfixes, we’re happy to announce the first patch for Divinity: Original Sin 2. 1. The focus of this patch has been fixing the issues we’ve seen pop up. Water 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Vampiric Hunger Aura. It also makes for a great weapon against. Does that give me "Mass Cleanse Wounds" twice (i. Mass Cleanse Wounds Skillbook. Warfare is a combat ability essential for memorising and using Warfare skills in Divinity: Original Sin II. Can be sobered up with Peace of Mind. If you skip Onslaught you save 2 Memory and can spend that on Strength instead. Arcane Stitch ♦ Armour of Frost ♦ Cleanse Wounds ♦ Cryogenic Stasis ♦ Cryotherapy ♦ Deep Freeze ♦ Hail Storm ♦ Hail Strike ♦ Healing Ritual ♦ Healing Tears ♦ Ice Fan ♦ Mass Cleanse Wounds ♦ Mass Cryotherapy ♦ Rain. Huntsman 2: First Aid, Tactical Retreat, Evasive Aura (+Aero) Warfare 2: Battle Stomp, Battering Ram, Cleanse Wounds (+Hydro), Mass Cleanse Wounds (+Hydro) This is 22-23 points which is about the maximum you'll get by the end of the game (remember you will always have some extra ability points from your gear, that leaves you. So, I changed the amulet buff to provide Apotheosis and the weapon buff to provide Vampiric Hunger Aura. Divinity: Original Sin 2 Skill Book Recipes Skill book recipes allow you to acquire skills through crafting, and some of them can only be acquired this way. Notably worse, and doesn't mention actually increasing your allies' evasion and movement. Cryogenic Stasis location Vendors. So i put two orbs in there. Venomous Aura effects. Ive done 2 playthroughs, one with a healer/support and one without. SkillbookRangerSource. Divinity: Original Sin 2. While it’s true that a lot of Hydrosophist Skills such as Healing Tears (Hydrosophist 1, Polymorph 1) and Mass Cleanse Wounds (Hydrosophist 2, Warfare 2) can help healers confer. page of the guide contains a table with descriptions of all key status effects that can be inflicted on characters. Water 2 + Polymorph 2 = Icy Skin. Heals for 100% of total heal value. Damage additionally scales with Warfare. List of crafting receipts. So green tea will make a 3 AP move cost 1 AP. you should have a few points in hydro after maxing geo, so learn restoration, armor of frost, and healing ritual. I compiled a bit of info here, but I guess I’ll put THE most frequently asked question up top. Scroll crafted by combine Sheet of Paper, Life Essence, and Rat Tail. About; Home; ContactsDivinity: Original Sin 2. (Divinity: Original Sin 2. Its what I did to survive along with focusing him down. Mass Cleanse Wounds - Heals player character and allies within a radius of them. Cleanse Wounds. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios. Steam Lance and Cleanse Wounds). Mass Cleanse Wounds (2 Hydrosophist, 2 Warfare): a larger version of Cleanse Wounds that effects all nearby allies. Cryogenic stasis works wonders as he will skip a turn of doing something stupid. It'll damage him. Divinity: Original Sin 2 adds plenty of interesting wrinkles to the western-RPG formula, and one of those wrinkles is the ability to combine two skill books and create an entirely new ability. You'll want Blessed, Regenerating, Healing Ritual, or Cleanse Wounds on every companion in this upcoming fight. 50% Vitality life steal / 2 turns: Cleanse Wounds . . Water 2 + Hunter 2 = Mass Cryotherapy. You may want to fling dallis over with Tele as well. Earth + Necromancy = Corrosive Touch (Causes acid and atrophy damage)Mass Cleanse Wounds now properly clears Decaying from allies and damages Undead enemies; Void-Enhanced Poison now inflicts more damage; Reactive armor changes: Cost changed to 2 AP; Cooldown changed to 6 turns; Damage reduced; Fixed Unstable talent not scaling with maximum Vitality like it should. Store Page. Water + Warfare = Cleanse Wounds (heal, remove burn, disabled, decay, poison and bleed) Water + Hunter = Cyrotherapy (convert nearby frozen ground into magic armour). All Hydrosophist Skill Showcase in Divinity Original Sin 2Damage shows on Hydrosophist 10, INT 40, Flat surface, and Classic difficulty. You simply don’t heal for enough damage for it to be worth it. Did anyone check? ThanksTentacle Lash effects. . Last update: 26 Oct 2023. Most of the spells are support based like healing or buffing and the other half are crowd control abilities that Chill or Freeze the enemy. | 600x337 px; Hasta La Vista Babey Divinityoriginalsin. There will be a further update later today featuring improved German, French, and Russian translations, as well as a series of improvements for the game’s different endings. ago. A tier list was posted when Divinity Original Sin 2 first came out, but that list has become very outdated. Global Cooling is a mass crowd control skill as it turns wet surfaces into frozen ones (frozen surfaces can. 4 good heals? Restoration, the Warfare/Hydro one that targets yourself (Cleanse Wounds), Healing Wave, and Mass Cleanse Wounds. Resisted by Physical Armour. Two points gets you phoenix dive to reposition or help give your pyro elemental affinity and also gives mass cleanse wounds. Scroll can be crafted by combining a Sheet of Paper, Alien Water Essence, and a Mackerel. For the blobs, respect as many as you can into ranger and just snipe at them from your high. Remove Burning, Diseased, Decaying, Poisoned and Bleeding. Mass Cleanse Wounds Skillbook. If you're in the perma decay area, use the above skills, and instantly heal, it'll get reapplied next turn. If your armor has a spare rune slot, put a source orb into it to give Mass Cleanse Wounds for a massive heal that negates harmful effects like Decay. Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide. He'll be the main source of physical damage. just stand in water and cast mass cleanse wounds and healing wave with soulmate and watch as enemies explode. 526. Remove Burning, Diseased, Decaying Touch, Poisoned and Bleeding. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?I can't beat braccus rex. Cheats For Divinity Original Sin 2. Venomous Aura Skill. Both Cleanse Wounds and Cryotherapy come in Mass (Source point required) form as well, but the AP cost probably goes up so they can't be used in one turn like the single-target ones. Cooldown: 5 round (s)Just found out you can craft new spells in divinity 2 and I had no idea. #1. . Set Knocked Down for 1 turn (s). Cured by Fortify, Bless, First Aid, Cleanse Wounds, Mass Cleanse Wounds, Break the Shackles: Infect Corrupted Blade: Drunk: Character is drunk. CryptoDivinity Original Sin 2 Builds: Frost Paladin. Requires Warfare 2. Divinity: Original Sin 2. Torchlight:. Armour of the Eternals. Hydrosophist Mass Cleanse Wounds. Divinity: Original Sin 2. Geomancer Skills. Once physical armour is destroyed it will stop causing any damage, however it will prevent armour restoration that is smaller than the amount of physical damage it deals. Vacuum Touch - Divinity Original Sin 2 [Crafted Skill]Vacuum Touch Skillbook Crafting Recipe:Bestiary Divinity: Original Sin 2 Release year: 2017 Developer: Larian Studios Database features: • Date 07. [BUG] AI uses Cleanse Wounds on Decaying enemies: Forums Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread [BUG] AI uses Cleanse Wounds on Decaying enemies #613931 17/09/17 10:34 PM. So i put two orbs in there. Grants skill: Mass Cleanse Wounds Grants skill: Evasive Aura. Earth + Warfare = Oily Carapace. Use evasion, invisibility or resistance potions to prevent the damage in the first place and you should never need healing spells again. Additionally, slotting source orbs into armor/ necklace/ weapon slots unlocks mass cleanse wounds, Evasive Aura and Venomous Aura respectively. Subscribe. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?Tentacle Lash effects. Winter Blast Scroll. Divinity: Original Sin 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. You can find more skill combinations in the following link: Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds - Frost Paladin (Warrior) Hydrosophist Skills. advertisement. Water 2 + Necromancy 2 = Blood Storm Water 2 + Polymorph 2 = Icy Skin Water 2 + Warfare 2 = Mass Cleanse Wounds Water 2 + Hunter 2 = Mass Cryotherapy Water 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Vampiric Hunger Aura Water 2 + Summoning 2 = Ice Infusion . One of them reduces the AP cost of your skills by 2, which should help a lot. Heal target and create a water puddle beneath them. Range 8m. Consider grabbing it if you play support role, or even if you don't. . Replydecreased) Aid, Cleanse Wounds, Mass Infect Damage: -35% Physical Armor Cleanse Wounds, Break the Corrupted Blade Shackles Diseased Character is drunk. Armor of Frost, or any spell that sets magic shell removes petrification. No: Heal Vitality, remove status effects:. So green tea will make a 3 AP move cost 1 AP. Jun 22, 2018 @ 7:31am Looking for feedback on a ranger/healer build. Sets Evasive Aura for you and allies around you. Learning every skill, every attribute and every element of your character is a path that only a few can take. Water 2 + Polymorph 2 = Icy Skin. Rominiust • 6 yr. 1. Jan 6, 2018 @ 1:44pm. 03:36 Mass Cleanse Wounds. Reply reply. The focus of this patch has been fixing the issues we’ve seen pop up. Everybody gangsta until the support one shots a whole gang of undead with Mass Cleanse Wounds. If you are a rogue, warrior build, sparking swings isn't a bad investment and if your party is majority melee, master of sparks is quite good. Divinity: Original Sin 2. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?Gratiana is a female undead residing at Sanctuary of Amadia in 1242 AD. Arcane Stitch ♦ Armour of Frost ♦ Cleanse Wounds ♦ Cryogenic Stasis ♦ Deep Freeze ♦ Global Cooling ♦ Hail Storm ♦ Hail Strike ♦ Healing Ritual ♦ Healing Tears ♦ Ice Fan ♦ Mass Cleanse Wounds ♦ Mass Cryotherapy ♦ Rain ♦ Restoration ♦. Divinity: Original Sin 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Cheats for divinity original sin 2. #5. Warfare is also required in order to learn this skill. (At least one of. Hydrosophist allows the use of water and ice spells. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?The damage boost is 10% per all nearby characters, this includes yourself, enemies, summons, and totems. Range 13m. It just unlocks the spell without needing a memory slot for it or meeting the requirements to cast. Effect: Rune. I didn't use it, but Soul Mate is also great. Phoenix Dive, Guardian Angel, Provoke, Bouncing Shield, Deflective Barrier, Cleanse Wounds, Mass. Hydroso phist Mass Vampiric Mass Cleanse Blood Storm Icy Skin Ice Infusion Cryotherapy Hunger Aura. Pick Cleanse wounds if you can, and mass cleanse wounds) 6) "Blood Death Knight" - same as (2), but wielding a staff for INT scaling instead, with all of the warfare spells for 2-handed). Favorite. I can't beat braccus rex. 0. Larian Studios Forums Divinity: Original Sin 2 Divinity. by Lucrorpg. Cleanse Wounds Skillbook Recipe - Divinity Original Sin 2 Obtained by combining any Hydrosophist Skill book and any Warfare Skill book. Costs 2 Memory. Mass Cleanse Wounds: Hydrosophist Warfare: Restores Vitality to multiple allies around caster Crafted Source spell Categories Categories: Original Sin 2 status. Armour of Frost Rain Restoration Cleanse Wounds Cryotherapy Global Cooling Healing Ritual Winter Blast Mass Cleanse Wounds Ice Breaker Blood Sucker Mosquito Swarm Decaying Touch Raining Blood Shackles of Pain Bone Cage Grasp of the Starved Blood storm Bouncing. Mass Cleanse Wounds (2 Hydrosophist, 2 Warfare): a larger version of Cleanse Wounds that effects all nearby allies. Water 2 + Warfare 2 = Mass Cleanse Wounds. Mass Cleanse Wounds seems. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. Damage type will be converted if using skills or special. Water 2 + Summoning 2 = Ice Infusion. Remove Burning, Diseased, Decaying Touch,. The Mass Cleanse WoundsDivinity Original Sin 2 Wiki is a writable document that can be filled-out and signed for specified purpose. 1, if you're putting healing on cooldown to attack, your team may suffer when you're out of healing unless they have their own. Divinity: Original Sin 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. 1, if you're putting healing on cooldown to attack, your team may suffer when you're out of healing unless they have their own. Polymorph - Healing Tears. 0. DocumentsLarian StudiosDivinity Original Sin 2 Definitive EditionMods Hope you enjoy it. Only time a fire wizard is a problem is in the black pits or the slugs fight, don't know beyond act 2. Blood Sucker from necromancer works too, and it gives great. This Skill heals Undead if anyone was curious. It often eats what it doesn't need and in very odd situations. Fane is arguably one of the most interesting characters in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Armor of frost, Fortify, Healing tears, Teleport, Cleanse wounds, Uncanny evasion, First aid, Chameleon cloak, Summon incarnate, Summon elemental totem, Worm tremor,. Create a water puddle beneath every target. Enjoy the musicHydro. Restoration, fortify, magic armor do not remove chains. After a few hotfixes, we’re happy to announce the first patch for Divinity: Original Sin 2. The misc bonus is additive with attribute and weapon skill bonuses for weapon-based attacks, but it is a. Things like Mass Cleanse Wounds and Healing Ritual(unless you target yourself directly) don't target you when you're undead so you don't have to worry about accidentally damaging yourself with multitarget heals. Sure is nice mass cleanse woundsing a pack of undeads though Drop in food or empty bottle and make posion food and posion potions for Fane. Divinity: Original Sin 2 Skill Crafting Combinations. mass cleanse wounds, which negates plague. I struggle to get his physical defense up because he needs to always be wearing the shapeshifter mask and he’s also got Alexandar’s Cloak with a source orb so he can do mass cleanse wounds. g. I got one of the pieces of special armor that has more than one slot. I got one of the pieces of special armor that has more than one slot. Requires Hydrosophist 2. So i put two orbs in there. It's also incredible strong with spells like Healing Ritual and Mass Cleanse Wounds. I wasn't a fan of the skills provided by the Source Orb and pretty much only utilized Mass Cleanse Wounds. Added Character Planner for DOS 2 Definitive Edition (v3. After a few hotfixes, we’re happy to announce the first patch for Divinity: Original Sin 2. Combine warfare and hydro books to get cleanse wounds. Larian Studios Forums Divinity: Original Sin 2 Divinity. Since it costs 0 AP to change runes during combat, if you carry around a bunch of source orbs on you at Deep Freeze effects. Sunshine Oct 2, 2017 @ 2:56pm. How the hell??? Dallis keeps doing friendly fire, like a needed that. 143. Jewelry: Evasive Aura Skill: Basevalue: 1200: Sell value at 0% discount: 571: Sell value at 52% discount: 1190. Remove Necrofire, Burning, Diseased, Decaying Touch, Poisoned, Bleeding, Suffocation and Acid. When healing undead with your party right now, Mass Cleanse Wounds should do over 200 physical damage with an area of effect, Restoration should do over 100 damage per turn on a single target for two turns. Here is a complete list of Divinity: Original Sin 2 skill book combinations, so you can create some brand new skills for your character. This class uses a lot of Physical and Water damage abilities, and has an innate bonus damage bonus to the Undead, as all Clerics do. Mass cleanse wounds is great. Buy value at 52% discount. Lady Kemm sells the tea leaves, if you combine them with the teapot on the table in front of her, their effects are doubled. 52% discount is reached with 100 in approval and 6 in bartering. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. throwy4444 •. Also, when the Fog-Swollen Crawlers die, they. Can also have a mage with a poison wand or staff, then attack Fane with them to heal. basically turns everyone in a radius into their own healer. Does that give me "Mass Cleanse Wounds" twice (i. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Cryotherapy now clears Burning and Necrofire as of Patch v3. There’s a ton of awesome abilities out there, so instead of going in blind, here’s a full list. Log in to add games to your lists. Just as a warning, Mass Cure Wounds will deal significant damage to your undead. Additionally, slotting source orbs into armor/ necklace/ weapon slots unlocks mass cleanse wounds, Evasive Aura and Venomous Aura respectively. If the damage leaves them with 9% health or less, they automatically die. Once physical armour is destroyed it will stop causing any damage, however it will prevent armour restoration that is smaller than the amount of physical damage it deals. Soul Mate can make healing actually insane (including double dipping in soothing cold and other AOE recover spells. Restore 15 Vitality. Yes, the "jump" heal or chain heal should avoid any decayed characters, and target enemy decayed or undead. Geomancer Skills. Only time a fire wizard is a problem is in the black pits or the slugs fight, don't know beyond act 2. The amount of lifesteal it can give in a pretty big range for 2 turns, for only 1 ap is rediculous. Spontaneous Combustion effects. Yes, the "jump" heal or chain heal should avoid any decayed characters, and target enemy decayed or undead. Cleanse Wounds is the Warfare/Hydro skill, Healing Tears is the Poly/Hydro skill. Geomancer Skills. 6 Mass Cleanse Wounds Mass Cleanse Wounds is great for players who want to dabble in Warfare as well. Cleanse Wounds - Divinity 2 [Crafted Skill] Lucrorpg. Find out what are the best abilities for players to build a formidable party. I can't beat braccus rex. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Remove Necrofire, Burning, Diseased, Decaying Touch, Poisoned, Bleeding. Divinity: Original Sin 2 adds plenty of interesting wrinkles to the western-RPG formula, and one of those wrinkles is the ability to combine two skill books and create an entirely new ability. Does the self heal damage Undead? The tooltip clearly says its self heal + AoE around caster. So i put two orbs in there. . Just don't use it on round 1, or it will be wasted. Sets Evasive Aura for 1 turn (s). Cleanse wounds is a warfare and hydrosophist spell in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Does that give me "Mass Cleanse Wounds" twice (i. Sparking swings / Master of Sparks - Both do the same effect - Master of sparks is just an aura-like effect. Torchlight:. iOS (iPhone/iPad) Macintosh Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 PC. Divinity: Original Sin. 526. Evasive Aura. I got one of the pieces of special armor that has more than one slot. 4. Bonuses Per Point Invested All tiers - Physical damage increased by 5% This is the lowest tier which contains spells available during the Character Creation and can be purchased from vendors from start of the game. If they're standing in cursed blood, decay will reapply after the heal so make sure to give them phys armor from something like Fortify beforehand (Edit: it actually replaces the cursed blood with clean drinking water!) and you can basically ignore decay. Armour of Frost location Vendors. Necromancy. ". Hydrosophist: 2. (Divinity: Original Sin 2 Quest - Healing Touch)Conjurer is the most flexible class in Divinity: Original Sin 2, based completely around summons. (heals you, damage them) Mass Cleanse Wounds is nuts, just put a source orb in your gear and you get it for free. I'd recommend your first character have Mass Cleanse Wounds or. Arcane Stitch now removes Frozen, Stunned, Petrified, Plague, Suffocating, Poisoned, Burning, Necrofire, Terrified, Silenced, Taunted, Mad as of Patch v3. Intelligence: -4 Lucky Charm: +2 Initiative: -5 Accuracy: -5% Dodging: +5% Note: Getting Drunk while already Drunk will result in Sleeping. Mass Cleanse Wounds may be enough. Consider grabbing it if you play support role, or even if you don't. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?Divinity 2. Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition Xbox One . In-game, there's no way to know what you'll get before combining two skills books. Buy value at 0% discount. 0. I got one of the pieces of special armor that has more than one slot. Armor: Mass Cleanse Wounds ; Amulet: Evasive Aura ; There are a lot of rune options, each with its own specific benefits. Kire Sep 19, 2017 @ 12:16pm. Corrosive Touch damage increased by 10% as of Patch v3. The Source Orb is a consumable item in Divinity: Original Sin II. Both are easy to craft, although merchants should be selling plenty of these. e each with its own separate cooldown time)? Or is it a waste?Your Mass Cleanse Wounds images are prepared in this site. . 0. #13. Does that give me "Mass Cleanse Wounds" twice (i. The focus of this patch has been fixing the issues we’ve seen pop up. 2018 • 1973 Items • Skills • Recipes • Maps & Locations of Unique Items Main. Im not going to be able to use that. SkillbookWarriorSource. You can also take a look at Armor of Frost and Arcane Stitch as technically non-healing ranged support. Previous: Build Basics Next: The Ranger (Origin: Ifan / Avatar)The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios. This seems to be enough to use them whenever I need them. Available from the start. Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds: Frost Paladin. Explodes if target has the Burning status. I got one of the pieces of special armor that has more than one slot. Store Page. Hydrosophist Skills. I created the mod while using Divinity Unleashed, which changes the armor system so that physical and magic armor are flat. Mass Cleanse Wounds happens to be one of the 3 skills you can get by equipping a Source Orb to your armor. I would say Mass Cleanse Wounds is a fair bit better than Cleanse Wounds even if it costs one SP. Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds: Druid. Mass Cleanse Wounds - Divinity Original Sin 2 [Crafted Skill]Mass Cleanse Wounds Skillbook RecipeCleanse Wounds Skillbook Recipe - Divinity Original Sin 2 Lucrorpg 2. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. In order to become a healer all you need is points invested into hydrosophist and the books learned. 02. Fire 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Mass Sabotage Summoning 2 + Earth 2 = Acid InfusionPeace of Mind, a fire spell heals Madness. 526. Minimum of 3 Hydro just for ability requirements, but you'll want 10 - abilities here, Armour of Frost, Healing Ritual, Rain, Restoration, Steam Lance, Global Cooling, Soothing Cold, Cryogenic Stasis, Arcane Stitch, Healing Tears, Mass Cleanse Wounds, Cleanse Wounds. just finished divinity 2 and wanted to share some critiques. Not even close. Ricochet. At Higher Levels. Thorns 6y ↑26. Or just use Armor of Frost/Soothing Cold for magic armor. LEVEL 9: Memory 20, Warfare 2, Mass Cleanse Wounds (source). If you found it useful all the better. I have a question regarding Mass Cleanse Wounds: if I cast this spell with an undead character, will it target him (thus causing damage) or will it ignore him? Now, I'm aware that if a different character in the party casts this spell then it will NOT target my undead character but what if the undead. Last Rites - Sacrifice the player character to revive an ally up to full health. Larian Studios Forums Divinity: Original Sin 2 Divinity - Original Sin 2 - General The final fight is just plain broken: Forums Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread :. Ive done 2 playthroughs, one with a healer/support and one without. 16 Mass Cleanse Wounds and Undead Does the self heal damage Undead? The tooltip clearly says its self heal + AoE around caster. r/DivinityOriginalSin. SkillbookRangerSource. Arcane Stitch trivia & strategies. 02. Arcane Stitch ♦ Armour of Frost ♦ Cleanse Wounds ♦ Cryogenic Stasis ♦ Cryotherapy ♦ Deep Freeze ♦ Global Cooling ♦ Hail Storm ♦ Hail Strike ♦ Healing Tears ♦ Ice Fan ♦ Mass Cleanse Wounds ♦ Mass Cryotherapy ♦ Rain ♦ Restoration ♦ Soothing. 168. Remove Necrofire, Burning, Diseased, Decaying Touch, Poisoned, Bleeding, Suffocation and Acid. The abilities Cleanse Wounds. Necrofire deals 50% more damage per turn than Burning, therefore consuming Necrofire status effect with this skill deals 50% more damage. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 45° cone range. Pure aoe heals (like the source heals, mass cleanse wounds) don't avoid them, but it will avoid affecting friendly undeads like Fane. He has a lot of HP so it's hard for him to die fast. Skill Level Source Skill Effect; Blinding Radiance: Aerothurge1: No: Air damage, Blinding Aura 1 turn: Electric Discharge:. There will be a further update later today featuring improved German, French, and Russian translations, as well as a series of improvements for the game’s different endings. 11:11. Sep 17, 2017 @ 2:21pm. Scales with level, strength and Warfare. Last edited by Hobocop; Jan 6, 2018 @ 1:38pm #9. No lonewolf, tactician & only 2 characters. Water 2 + Hunter 2 = Mass Cryotherapy. Thought some more about the fight and decided to fight everyone. The focus of this patch has been fixing the issues we’ve seen pop up. Cha's2'ka1. Restore [150% of total heal value] Vitality. For keeping Gwydian alive, you can freeze him with Cryogenic Stasis, Bless him, put a Dome of Protection around him, use Mass Cleanse Wounds to cure necrofire for him, or Tornado to keep the platform clear of surfaces. is more viable. Larian Studios Forums Divinity: Original Sin 2 Divinity. The focus of this patch has been fixing the issues we’ve seen pop up. 5. The misc bonus is additive with attribute and weapon skill bonuses for weapon-based attacks, but it is a. You can use Source orbs to craft some very powerful scrolls, namely Skin Graft and Apotheosis scrolls later on. When healing undead with your party right now, Mass Cleanse Wounds should do over 200 physical damage with an area of effect, Restoration should do over 100 damage per turn on a single target for two. This ones:-Mend Metal (5m to 20m)-Soothing Cold (3m to 20m)-Mass Cleanse Wounds (8m to 20m)-Mass Cryotheraphy (13m to 20m)-Cleanse Wounds (2m to 20m)-Firewhip (8m to 13m)-Hail Strike (3AP to 2AP)-Ice Fan (3AP to 2AP)-Teleportation (2AP to 1AP)-Dazing Bolt (3AP to 2AP)-Fire Whip (3AP to 2AP)-Supernova (3AP to 2AP)-INSTALLATION-Unzip the rar file. EDITED AFTER REWORKING IT:. Joined: Sep 2017. your character will be affected by necrofire. 1,652 ratings. Barrage D -> C: Battering Ram: Haste: Mass Cleanse Wounds: Terrain Transmutation: Meteor Shower:Decaying is a status effect in Divinity: Original Sin II. Also removes statuses: Necrofire, Diseased, Burning, Decaying Touch, Poisoned, Bleeding, Suffocation, and Acid. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. You wont see Source skills that require more than 1 SP to cast until higher levels anyway, it scales pretty well. Just power through. Cleanse Wounds, and/or Mass Cleanse Wounds, so as to deal with his powerful Plague status. So i put two orbs in there. The point is, the position of where you in your group should play a factor in what weapon they wield. 71K subscribers 5 1. Battlemage: (dwarf works well, so Beast default build): 3-X aero, 3-X warfare, 1-2 hydro, (1-3 necro optional if you think you are spreading too thin) 2-XPolymorphe 2 pyro and one point in huntsman for erratic wisp and first aid. There’s a ton of awesome abilities out there, so instead of going in blind, here’s a full list. For the blobs, respect as many as you can into ranger and just snipe at them from your high ground advantage. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. 0. Which skill line is best to add to this Conjurer?. There will be a further update later today featuring improved German, French, and Russian translations, as well as a series of improvements for the game’s different endings. There's a ton of awesome abilities out there, so instead of going in blind, here's a full list. Hydrosophist Skills. SkillbookWarrior . Use them on the three injured nearby to receive the Bleed Fire skillbook and a reward of your choice from Simone. Earth + Necromancy = Corrosive Touch. 516K. 0. 981 views 5 years ago. Acid Spores ♦ Contamination ♦ Corrosive Spray ♦ Corrosive Touch ♦ Dust Blast ♦ Earthquake ♦ Fortify ♦ Fossil Strike ♦ Impalement ♦. Aerotheurge. Acid removes Fortified, which can significantly increase the effective damage of this skill. Does that give me "Mass Cleanse Wounds" twice (i. Cheats For Divinity Original Sin 2. Armor: Mass Cleanse Wounds Skill.